Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The One Thing Every Local Business Website-Design Should Include For Web Success

When it comes to website design, the number one problem that I see on a continuing basis is the lack of a strategy to collect visitors E-Mail addresses. In fact, I see some things that show that business owners are completely unaware of the lost opportunities they experience.

Like the Restaurant that has a click here for a coupon special on their site, only to take visitors to a page where they can print out the coupon on their printers. They basically are exchanging something of value (the coupon) for nothing more than one additional visit from a customer.

The customer clips the coupon, comes in and purchases a meal. In the exchange the only information garnered by the restaurant is the fact that the coupon came off the website. The customer may or may not come back. There is no way to continue growing the relationship that has begun.

On the other hand, suppose the restaurant had a sign up box where a customer would leave their first name and email address in exchange for a coupon or a reduced cost meal. The restaurant now has one of the most valuable assets in business, a contact. They can market to this customer on an ongoing basis. They can survey this customer to find out what meals they like best on the menu, how the service is, what would they like to see added, or how could service be improved. The list is limited only by the imagination of the business owner. A two way line of communication is open.

The problem is that most web designers never consider the business end of the website design process. In exchange for a fancy designed website, they leave out the most important consideration; making the site work for the business to realize a positive return on investment.

So what should a local business owner do to rectify this situation? The easiest remedy is to start at the beginning when the site is in its initial design phase. Make sure that your designer has included an auto responder service, such as Aweber, into the design quote. Then, discuss with your designer how you wish to incorporate the service into your site.

If your site is already up and functional on the web, you should contact your webmaster and talk to him about adding an auto responder service. Many design firms will perform this task for little or no out of pocket expense. If you are web savvy, you can perform this task yourself by simply copying and pasting some code onto your web pages.

The return on investment for a well stocked customer list can be immense. Just by keeping in touch with customers, and letting them know of new products, specials and events, can increase business many folds. You will find that there is no better source of new business than that of existing and satisfied customers.

The author, Michael Simmons, owned his own business for 27 years before going into web marketing. He now specializes in optimizing the web presence for local businesses through website development. You can visit his website at He also utilizes video, developing web video ads thru He can be emailed at

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