Friday, February 22, 2008

Do Love Spells Really Work? If So, How?

There are thousands of books out there teaching people how to cast love spells. But do love spells really work? If so, how? I have extensively reviewed many of the love spells books out there. Most of these spells are designed for one of the following circumstances:

  • To attract a generic lover
  • To attract a particular person
  • To attract a lost love so he/she would return
The spell-casting process involves everything from staring into a picture of the person you want to fall in love with you, and chanting love me love me love me, to carving your wish on a candle and watching it burn down while visualizing your prospective love, to (warning: gross content coming up) sneaking body fluids into the food and/or drink of your prospective lover. There are a million ways to cast a love spell, but Ive found a common element in all of them, without which even the most powerful love spell will fail.

What is this special element? More powerful than black cats bones, more potent than bats wings, this element is Our Hidden Potential.

Deep down, we are really much more powerful than we know. Allow me to let you in on a secret: We Create Our Destiny By What We Think About. (For more information, watch the movie The Secret). The more we visualize something, the more likely it will happen. Visualization is like sending a message out to the universe, which would then re-align itself to give you what you want, even without your knowing HOW to achieve what you want.

Why does nobody love you? Its because deep down inside you dont believe youre attractive. Why did your loved one leave you? You feel insecure and believe s/he would leave you eventually because you dont believe youre worthy of his/her love. The situation youre in may not be this simple, but you get the idea.

The key to getting the person you love to fall in love with you, then, would be to simply close your eyes and visualize that you are already happily together. Feel the joy and happiness, feel the love. See the details: the two of you holding handing, walking on the beach, the wind in your hair, the sand beneath your feet, the whole works. Believe it or not, doing this often enough will make it happen. This is called The Law of Attraction.

But then, does it mean that all those love spells described in the books are bogus?

In one word: NO! Some love spells really work. Many of these spells are designed to help you concentrate your energy and imagination on getting what you want. It may be too boring for you to just sit there, close your eyes, and imagine for a long time, without losing your focus. Believe in yourself and your hidden powers, choose the right love spells, and you WILL make love spells work, and be united with the one you love.

Amy Cheung is a free-lance writer and enjoys writing about a wide variety of interesting topics. For recommendations on Love Spells Products, please visit

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