Get The Most Out Of Your Work
According to Baednoch and Clarks Happiness At Work Index less than half of the UKs Finance and Accounting workers are happy with their job. For the professional services labour force overall, the figure is around a quarter.
How might you start to get more out of work?
Decide The Type Of Role You Want
It is all too easy to believe that you have no choice. You have a choice in everything. Get clear on what it is you want. It might be:
To specialise in tax
To work for a non profit organisation
To work in investment banking
To work for a Top 100 organisation
To move into consultancy
Determine what you want and write it down.
Determine What You Enjoy
In all jobs there are aspects that you really enjoy. Capture a list of these. They will be those times when you are highly motivated and at your best. Start that list today and keep adding to it until you have captured everything.
Determine What You Dont Enjoy
As well as areas you enjoy, there will be areas you dont enjoy or enjoy less. Accept that there is nothing wrong with this. Think about it, if we all enjoyed the same things the world would be a pretty dull place. Take the time to create a list of the things at work that turn you off.
Look At How You Can Change Or Develop Your Role
Review your current role. How can you incorporate more of the things you enjoy into your role? It may be that you have a colleague who is desperate to do some of the things you detest. Could you swap some tasks and create a win-win?
Speak To Your Manager
So often the first time a manager finds out an employee is unhappy is when they get a letter of resignation. Good managers want to create opportunities for their staff to grow and develop. If there are opportunities you want to access, speak to your manager. Who knows they might be able to:
Help you to re-design your role
Get you involved in some projects
Offer you a short term secondment
If you dont ask you will never know what is possible.
At the end of the day you want to get the most you possibly can from your work and be happy. Take the initiative and be proactive.
Duncan Brodie is a Leadership Development Coach and Management Trainer at Goals and Achievements
He specialises in helping accountants and professionals to make the transition from technical expert to manager and leader.
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